Cassa depositi e prestiti SpA (CDP) announces that the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, which met today with all shareholders present, has unanimously approved a number of amendments to the Articles of Association as a consequence of the enactment of Article 7 of Decree Law 34 of 31 March 2011.
The changes further extend the scope of CDP's operations, enabling it to acquire equity holdings in companies of major national interest, on the condition that they possess certain characteristics to be specified in a decree of the Minister for the economy and finance pursuant to the provisions of the decree law. These will include having a stable financial position and performance and adequate profit-generating prospects.
Such equity investments may also be acquired through vehicle companies or investment funds. In the event such acquisitions are financed with resources from postal funding, they shall be recognized under the CDP's separate account.
The new text of the Articles of Association will be published at as soon as it is available.
Rome, 11 April 2011