Private Equity Funds for Business | CDP

Private Equity

We invest in the future and growth of your company through private equity funds.

Who is it for?

SMEs with high growth potential, operating in strategic and/or sectors of excellence in the Italian economy such as, for example, manufacturing, mechanics, logistics and transport, fashion and Italian design, agri-food and healthcare, including companies with technology capabilities and background.

How it works

We invest in your high-potential business with the Fondo Italiano d’Investimento (Italian Investment Fund), through:

  • the FICC - Fondo Italiano Consolidamento e Crescita (Italian Consolidation and Growth Fund, formerly Innovation and Development Fund), adopting an industrial approach to promote vertical and horizontal combination projects in sectors of strategic importance and excellence, to encourage the development of national champions and future global players, with a medium-long term investment horizon. The fund provides capital for growth, including for the replacement of existing shareholders to improve governance, and carries out predominantly majority transactions.
  • the FITEC - Fondo Italiano Tecnologia e Crescita (Italian Technology and Growth Fund, formerly Tech Growth Fund), acquiring mainly minority shareholdings, with capital increase activities, in Italian companies of excellence of a highly technological nature who intend to start or consolidate expansion projects, encouraging their innovation processes and strengthening their competitive positioning.
  • the Private Equity and Private Debt Funds, underwriting quotas of other closed-end security funds to support the development of the Italian private equity and private debt markets. In particular, the two private equity funds (Fondo Italiano di Investimento - Fondo di Fondi and FoF Private Equity Italia) invest in private equity funds that aim to subscribe to shares / capital shares of Italian SMEs, while the two Private Debt funds (FoF Private Debt and FoF Private Debt Italia) invest in private debt funds that have the aim of underwriting debt instruments issued by Italian SMEs, to support their growth and development.
  • the Fondo di Fondi (FoF) Impact Investing, (Impact Investing Fund of Funds) invests in units of other closed-end investment funds to support the development of the Italian impact finance market, with the aim of generating a positive social and/or environmental impact, as well as an economic return, in line with the UN’s 17 Social Development Goals (SDGs).
  • the Fondo Italiano Agri & Food di Fondo Italiano d’Investimento, (Italian Agri & Food Fund) supports Italian SMEs operating in the agrifood industry – one of the country’s key sectors. Specifically, the fund aims to contribute to the creation of a more competitive, technological, sustainable and increasingly strategic agrifood sector for Italy.  


Advertising message. Products offered by Fondo Italiano d’Investimento. Further information available on and website.

Our detailed solutions

Fondo Italiano Consolidamento e Crescita (“FICC”)
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Fondo Italiano Tecnologia e Crescita (“FITEC”)
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FoF Private Equity Italia (“FoF PE Italia”)
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Fondo Italiano Agri & Food (“FIAF”)
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FoF Private Debt Italia (“FoF PD Italia”)
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FoF Impact
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Fondo Italiano Consolidamento e Crescita II (“FICC II”)
Fondo Italiano Tecnologia e Crescita II (“FITEC II”)
FoF Private Equity Italia Due (“FoF PE Italia Due”)
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FoF Private Debt Italia Due (“FoF PD Italia Due”)
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