Rating | CDP


CDP's key role within the Italian economy, its strong fundamentals, and the presence of a State guarantee on postal savings are among the factors behind CDP's high credit quality according to leading credit rating agencies. 

The sound sustainability governance, the strong integration of the ESG strategy within the core business, and a high degree of transparency and accountability towards stakeholders support CDP's positioning among the industry's best-in-class based on ESG ratings from leading market providers.



  • Integral link with the Italian Government
  • Critical role for Italian economy
  • Very low risk profile and stable funding structure
  • High probability of Italian Government support
  • Negligible stock of problem loans
  • Solid funding structure
  • Strong State link
  • Significant share of liabilities guaranteed by the Italian Government
  • High profitability and revenue stability
  • High level of integration with Italian Government
  • Strong credit support from the State guarantee on postal savings
  • Solid fundamentals

A - 2

P - 3 F - 2 S - 2
Long-Term BBB Baa3 BBB BBB+
Outlook Stable Stable Positive Stable
Last Rating Action 28/07/2022 21/11/2023 30/10/2024 01/10/2024

(1) Unsolicited


  Moody's Analytics  ISS ESG Morningstar Sustainalytics(1)
  • Strong environmental and social footprint, with a far better performance than the sector average
  • Sound sustainability governance at both Board and managerial level and with the internal control system covering all relevant sustainability risks
  • Carbon Footprint & Energy Transition deemed at the best score category(2)
  • Services offered with high social and environmental benefit
  • Social & Governance Rating at B- level
  • Very High Transparency Level (i.e. capacity to transparently disclose information and data)
  • Strong ESG disclosure, signaling a high degree of accountability towards stakeholders
  • Solid ESG risk management at the governance level, above average
  • Strong integration of the corporate sustainability strategy within the core business
Score/Rating 67/100  C (Prime Status) 4.5
Last Update Oct-24 Apr-24 May-24

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(2) Carbon Footprint & Energy Transition provides an assessment of a company’s carbon footprint combined with the strategy to manage risks and opportunities related to the transition to a low carbon economy