Alternative Finance for SMEs: our funds for R&D | CDP

Alternative Finance

We give your business access to the capital market for investments in research and development, green economy, innovation, infrastructure and specific capex plans, also for the growth of your company abroad

Who it is aimed at

Small and medium-sized enterprises.

How it works

We offer several action lines with which your company, through the alternative finance market, can benefit from the financial support it needs to grow and expand its business.
In particular, we support the development of the alternative financing market by working mainly along two lines:

  • support for the development of innovative asset classes such as minibond securitisation (so-called basket bonds), acting as an anchor investor
  • investments in "diversified" debt funds, with the role of anchor investor in partnership with other institutional investors.

Thanks to our dual role as anchor investor and National Promotion Institute, we make the development of the innovative finance market segment possible, attracting other institutional investors to transactions and supporting companies to approach new financing channels which complement the banking channel.


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