Analisi, studi, approfondimenti, report, pubblicazioni | CDP

Analysis and Scenarios

We contribute to the economic debate on issues of national and international interest to promote constructive debate and the growth of the country


In-depth analyses of industrial, infrastructural and macroeconomic issues of interest to the CDP Group and the country. The activities aim to provide strategic guidance for the CDP Group’s operations, contributing to dialogue with stakeholders and the economic and social development of the country.

Latest pubblications

The future of the Italian automotive supply chain: how to stay competitive?
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2023 Impact monitoring
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30 years of the European single market: a comparison with the United States
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In-depth thematic analysis of industrial sectors and macroeconomic issues that have strategic importance for the country and for the CDP Group’s operations.

Monitoring and Impact

Monitoring and analysing the economic, social or environmental impact of the CDP Group's various activities on the country system or on specific markets or territories.

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