We offer competitive financing to your foreign customers for acquiring goods and services from your company.
Medium and large-sized companies operating in any sector.
We support foreign counterparts (enterprises, governments and banks) by granting direct or indirect loans for the purchase of goods and or services from Italian companies and /or their subsidiaries/foreign affiliates in order to support the export of goods, services or work carried out by Italian businesses.
Loans granted by CDP at fixed or floating rates may be insured by SACE or other Export Credit Agencies, national development banks (KfW, CDC, ICO, etc.) or multilateral financial institutions (DFIs) against the risk of non-repayment due to political and commercial events to up to 100% of the amount financed.
The loan can also be supported by SIMEST through stabilising the interest rate or with an interest subsidy (pursuant to Law 295/77) in order to reduce the rate applied to the foreign debtor, thus providing an indirect incentive for Italian exporting companies.
Thanks to a joint initiative from CDP and SIMEST, we enable your enterprise to offer foreign clients competitive financing terms, which can be decisive in terms of awarding contracts.
Advertising message for promotional purposes. Product offered by CDP and SIMEST
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