Medium and Long Term Financing Solutions | CDP

Medium-long term finance

We support your enterprise’s investments in research and development, innovation, growth plans in Italy and abroad and sustainable development 

Who it is aimed at

 Medium and large-sized enterprises operating in any sector


How it works

We grant your enterprise medium to long-term financing on a secured or unsecured basis, including in the form of bond issues to support:

  • investments for research, development and innovation in new technologies 
  • growth and company development initiatives in Italy and abroad (including in developing countries and emerging economies); these can also be facilitated by SACE and SIMEST instruments
  • investments in works, plants and networks for public-utility initiatives
  • investments in energy efficiency, energy transition, climate change initiatives, infrastructure, the circular economy and the sustainable and efficient use of natural resources, and the green economy

These operations, which are preferably carried out in conjunction with the banking system or using the subsidised funding line  provided by the EIB, include the support of one of our dedicated teams. Once the team has analysed the company's needs, it assesses and searches for the best solution to your requests and various credit requirements. 

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