Export Finance for SMEs |CDP

Subsidised Loans for Internationalisation

We can support your enterprise in all phases of its international growth

Who is aimed at

Accessible to all enterprises, particularly SMEs

How it works

The 394 Fund for Italian enterprises’ international competitiveness is back in operation with a broad and updated range of instruments that support sustainability, digitalisation, production chains and foreign market growth.

Financing for opening sites abroad, developing e-commerce, attending international trade fairs and hiring a Temporary Manager now sits alongside new Digital or Ecological Transition tools and certifications and consultancy.

Finally, there are beneficial terms and conditions for enterprises affected by increases in energy prices or the recent flooding in central and northern Italy, as well as for enterprises and supply chains with direct interests in the western Balkans.

There are also measures in place to support exporting companies impacted by the conflict in Ukraine and relief for exporting enterprises in the areas affected by the May 2023 flooding.


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