
We report on our social and environmental impacts with the aim of providing reliable, complete, clear and comparable information.


Our Integrated Report

In 2024, we published our fourth Integrated Report audited by Deloitte & Touche S.p.A.. The Report was drawn up in compliance with Legislative Decree 254/2016, conforming to the standards defined by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the indications of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), and the standards and recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2020/852, we have published the Group’s Green Asset Ratio (“GAR”) for the first two environmental objectives of the European taxonomy (climate change mitigation and adaptation). In 2023, for the perimeter considered, CDP’s assets and companies subject to management and coordination were sustainable for 6.3%, in terms of Capex, and for 3.5%, in terms of turnover.

Remaining on the theme of the environment, as regards the first target to reduce the carbon footprint of the loans portfolio, which is included in the ESG Plan, a decrease of approximately 7% in overall emission intensity compared to 2022 was recorded.  


Our business model

We have a business model that is intrinsically sustainable and circular, which shows how it is possible, by levering initial capital, to configure products and services, through processes and internal activities, that can increase output capital (“2023 Performance”) and generate economic, environmental and social impacts which benefit the company, stakeholders and Italy, from a perspective of shared value.

The impacts for the country

We are an important long-term investor for Italy, able to generate significant social, environmental and economic effects. The estimate of the Group’s impact is based on two dimensions: one regarding the impact of committed financial resources on main macroeconomic parameters, and one regarding the impact generated by the main areas of intervention that characterise CDP’s strategy.

The aggregate impact of committed financial resources on main macroeconomic parameters:


Areas of intervention where CDP has most focussed its strategy:


The Group’s contribution to the 2030 Agenda

We actively participate in Italy’s commitment to contributing to the achievement of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, as also demonstrated by how the goals fully match our Group’s mission, strategy and operations.

Each year, we specifically report on the resources deployed by the Group and their potential contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.


For more information and details on the data reported by CDP, visit the dedicated section in the Integrated Report

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