To leverage the commitments undertaken and strengthen the entity’s ability to listen to and make comparisons with stakeholders, in order to identify together the best solutions to the real needs of the country.
These were the objectives of CDP’s first Multistakeholder Forum, held at its headquarters in Via Goito, attended by over 60 representatives of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti’s main stakeholders.
Alessandro Rivera, Director General of the Treasury, and Francesco Profumo, President of ACRI, were present at the Forum to underline the strategic importance of the event and the congruence of views between CDP and the shareholders in the new path towards the promotion of sustainable development.
After the introductory plenary session, participants met in five working groups to explore the role of CDP in the face of new challenges posed by sustainability, such as innovation, smart urban regeneration and the development of social infrastructure, returning the results of their reflections to CDP’s management and top management: the aim is to offer a key for constructive interpretation in order to help make Cassa Depositi e Prestiti’s actions increasingly effective for the growth of the territory and the communities.
The first Multistakeholder Forum was thus a unique opportunity for CDP and the sharing of viewpoints: the commitment to the creation of a model of sustainable development involves opportunities for reflection and dialogue, with a view to sharing intentions and actions.
For the first time, CDP wanted to look to the future right alongside its stakeholders, in line with the 2019-2021 Business Plan, which places sustainability at the heart of all its strategic choices and identifies structured listening as one of the key elements that will enable Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to strengthen its role and become the driving force behind sustainable development in Italy.
“In 170 years, CDP has never once betrayed its mission to support sustainable growth. With the first Multistakeholder Forum we want to strengthen awareness of the role that CDP can play in driving a new period of development in Italy,” said CDP CEO Fabrizio Palermo.
With this new path, CDP is not discovering a new sensibility, but rather making explicit the vocation for sustainability that has been part of its historical mission for 170 years, consciously directing its business towards achievement of the objectives promoted by the United Nations.