CDP Job Offers: open positions in Italy | CDP

Find out about job opportunities at our sites throughout Italy and send us your CV. Have a look at the calendar of events and fairs where you can directly get to know CDP and our recruiters.


Would you like to contribute to the sustainable development of Italy?



If you are seeking an opportunity to train, and grow professionally, find out more about the job offers

Specialist and senior positions

If you already have professional experience and are seeking new job opportunities to make the most of your talent, find out more about the job offers.

Haven’t found what you’re looking for?

Send us your CV.

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Discover the events where you can get to know about CDP

Each year we take part in job fairs and university career days throughout Italy. During these events, students and recent graduates have the chance to find out about CDP and meet our recruiters.

Career Day  
20th / February

ESCP Career Fair

9:00 AM 


15th / April


9:00 AM


16th / April

Ca' Foscari Career Day settoriale (Finance&Consulting)

9:00 AM


Career Day  
December 5th

Diversity Day

9:00 AM


November / 25th - 29th

Al Lavoro Empower Young Women

9:00 AM


Novembre /21th


9:00 AM

Federico II University | Naples

October / 16th

Tor Vergata - Campus&Leaders&Talents

9:00 AM

Tor Vergata University | Rome

September / 11th

Roma Math Career Day 2024

9:00 AM

CNR Headquarters (Entrance Via dei Marrucini) | Rome

September / 2nd

Luiss - Workshop CV Freshers' Week 2024

9:00 AM

Luiss Guido Carli University | Rome

June / 11th

CV at Lunch Roma Tre
Department of Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies

11:00 AM

Roma Tre University | Rome

June / 5th 

Company presentation Università dell'Aquila
Matematica, Ingegneria Matematica e Mathematical Modeling

12:00 PM

University of L'Aquila | L'Aquila

May / 22nd

Career Day Federico II - Scienze Politiche

09:00 AM

Federico II University | Naples

May / 7th

Career Day Luiss

09:30 AM

Luiss Guido Carli University | Rome


Photos of some of our past events



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