CDP Group both manages resources, including through its subsidiaries, and co-finances NRRP-funded investments.
The fund to promote the “Attractiveness of Villages”, worth €363 million, allowed 207 projects to be financed in 289 municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, with the aim of supporting the development of lesser-known destinations.
The fund for “Historical Parks and Gardens”, worth €190 million, has allowed 129 historic parks and gardens of cultural interest to be financed in order to consolidate their value in terms of tourism.
The fund for the “Enhancement of Architecture and Rural Landscape”, worth 590 million, allowed 1,598 projects to be financed to protect architecture and use for tourism.
Simest’s 394 Fund has made it possible to allocate €1.2 billion (of which €400 million is non-repayable) to finance measures to internationalise and digitalise more than 4,000 enterprises.