The 3rd of June marks World Bicycle Day, established in 2018 by the United Nations to raise awareness among the public, governments and businesses on the key role of this means of transport in making life in cities more sustainable and in safeguarding people’s health.
Bicycle use is spreading rapidly in urban mobility and in the tourism sector, driving domestic production. In 2023, some 2 million bicycles were produced in Italy, of which 290,000 electric.
Our country remains the European leader in the bicycle industry with a turnover of 3 billion: it holds the record in the export of saddles, frames and rims and ranks third with regard to pedals and tyres.
At the beginning of April 2024, the European Union signed the “Declaration on Cycling”, which recognises cycling as an important ally of the environment, physical and mental health and social inclusion, and calls on member states to strengthen the infrastructure system.
CDP's role
In recent years, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has promoted bicycle mobility with financing and advisory activities in favour of urban regeneration and sustainable tourism in several municipalities, such as Bitetto and Sannicandro di Bari in Puglia, Capaccio Paestum in Campania and Brenzone sul Garda in Veneto.
Through a 7.5 million loan, CDP also invested in the growth of the Selle Royal Group, one of the leading international companies in the design, production and marketing of saddles, footwear and cycling products.