CDP and the Development Finance Institutions (DFI) of the countries belonging to the G7 are joining forces to improve the opportunities for growth and the involvement of women in the economies of developing countries.
2X as in the two chromosomes that identify women. 2X as in the multiplier of financial resources: those that the Development Finance Institutions (DFI), financial institutions that promote the private sector in emerging and developing countries, will make available through the "2X Challenge: Financing for Women”. CDP has joined the programme together with the DFIs of the G7 countries (Canada, Great Britain, USA, France, Japan, Germany and Italy), with the aim of contributing to gender equality and encouraging access for women to corporate capital. It’s quite a challenge: to make available a total of 3 billion dollars by 2020, from their own resources and from private capital, to promote the entrepreneurial projects of women in developing countries, thus supporting women as workers and leaders and contributing to the achievement of the fifth of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: “Gender equality”. "For CDP, as a long-term player in global development, women’s empowerment is crucial" stated Fabio Gallia, the CEO of Cassa depositi e prestiti "All the Sustainable Development Goals require a commitment on gender equality. From agriculture to education, from healthcare to entrepreneurship, investing in women’s rights pays the highest dividends” CDP and the DFI partners will report on the progress of the initiative on a dedicated website. If #wepromotethefuture by focusing on global sustainability, helping women to be participants on the economic scene represents a contribution to sustainable development.