With ENI and ASPI: say yes to travel, but increasingly green

With ENI and ASPI: say yes to travel, but increasingly green

An alliance for joint initiatives in sustainable mobility

Accelerating the energy transition process and making it possible for motorway transport is a priority for Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. Just as decisive is the development of the circular economy, another of the 10 fields of action identified in the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan to close the market gaps identified in line with the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the missions of the NRP.

This is why Cassa signed an agreement in mid-November with Autostrade per l'Italia (ASPI) and ENI, reported on in today’s la Repubblica article “La grande alleanza verde", to develop joint initiatives in the area of sustainable mobility. Aim: to decarbonise the motorway network.

"Cassa wants to support initiatives and projects to combat climate change and foster sustainable development, while ensuring a significant positive socio-economic impact for the country," said CDP CEO, Dario Scannapieco. "This is an alliance that can make a real difference to increasingly green mobility, looking to the future for the next generation and with the right balance of respect for the environment and Italy’s growth,"  echoed Roberto Tomasi, CEO of ASPI; Giuseppe Ricci, ENI's Director of Energy Evolution, emphasised that “today we are bringing together the different solutions for the decarbonisation of long-distance transport, including for heavy vehicles.

“The project will see an increasing number of electric charging stations in service station areas and decarbonised carriers such as electric, biomethane and hydrogen. It will also include plants for the production of energy from renewable sources, which will be built in the immediate vicinity of the areas in ASPI's portfolio or near the motorway network,” explained Fabio Barchiesi, Head of Plan Implementation Coordination and Strategic Initiatives at Cassa, who has been involved in negotiations with the partners from the project outset.

Further areas of interest for the partnership are the identification of programmes for the development of sustainable products to improve motorway surfaces and, as an example of circular economy initiatives, the collection of used tyres to be reused in chemical and energy products. "This is an important partnership not only from a technical point of view, but also from a strategic one. It is thanks to alliances such as this one that Cassa intends to increasingly be a driving force for partnerships between the leading Italian industrial groups," Barchiesi concluded.

Making travel increasingly green is possible

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