After the opening of the Verona office, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti unveiled the new Genoa office on 25 October, confirming and strengthening its proximity to local stakeholders, in accordance with the guidelines of the 2019-2021 Business Plan.
The plan to open new integrated offices of the CDP Group includes the opening of the Naples office, to be followed by the opening of the Florence, Palermo, Bari and Turin offices in the near future. This is a territorial network running throughout Italy, with operational reference points, where local administrators and companies can meet the professionals from the CDP Group, who are ready to respond to all needs.
With the plan to open new offices, in fact, CDP is placing the sustainable development of local areas at the heart of its activities, through support for businesses, especially small and medium-sized companies, and through renewed support for local authorities.
One of the objectives of the Business Plan is to bring Cassa Depositi e Prestiti closer to local situations, with a real change of pace compared to the past: CDP is preparing to become a real strategic partner for local authorities, no longer just an investor, but also a technical and economic-financial consultant able to support administrations along the entire path that leads to the construction of infrastructure works.
To this end, the Infrastructure Development Unit was set up, with all the skills needed to support local authorities in the planning, design and development phases of projects, both in traditional contracts and using public-private partnerships.
The new plan of territorial openings is part of this overall design: the Genoa office, like the Verona office and the upcoming Naples, Florence, Palermo, Bari and Turin offices, will be the single access point to the CDP Group’s offering and will make it possible to exploit synergies with banking partners and local institutions.
The aim is to strengthen Cassa Depositi e Prestiti’s commitment to the development of local businesses: “The programme for the opening of the new CDP Group offices in Genoa is based on the desire to put the territory at the centre of our work,” in the words of CDP’s CEO, Fabrizio Palermo. “There is a historical relationship that unites CDP with the territories. This is a relationship that from today we are further strengthening by launching a model of cohesion with public administrations and businesses, taking forward a new integrated scheme of Group professionalism and skills, created by technical staff at the service of the country.”
The opening of the new office in Genoa was also an opportunity to sign four agreements to support infrastructure development and support the business world, as stressed by the CEO, Fabrizio Palermo: “With the signing of four major agreements, we are also supporting the economic revival of the business community, which starts in Genoa and involves the Liguria Region and the entire national territory, confirming the commitment of the CDP Group to support the strategic supply chains for the development of the Italian production system.”