Supply chain contracts signed with De Matteis, Orogel and Italian Wine Boutique
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the Iccrea Cooperative Banking Group, with Iccrea BancaImpresa as the project's authorised bank and financing bank and other cooperative credit banks in the Group, finalised several supply chains contracts under the Fourth Call for Supply Chain and District Contracts issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.
The objectives of the project are to improve the level of competitiveness and economic sustainability of grassroots agricultural producers, through the modernisation of supply chain inputs, the increased quality and traceability of the end product and the strengthening of their positioning on the release market.
These are significant transactions that confirm CDP's commitment to the region and to a strategic sector such as the agro-food industry. A pillar of the Made in Italy brand, which is demonstrating a great ability to combine sustainability and tradition, two fundamental levers to successfully move forward into the future.