La Triennale di Milano welcomes back an event that looks at the issues of urban regeneration and the future of cities. Due to be held on 22 and 23 November there will be thematic contributions from CDP Investimenti Sgr. The exhibition "NUB: New Urban Body " opens on the 24 December and runs until 7 January
From 21 to 24 November La Triennale di Milano will host Urbanpromo, the 14th edition of a key cultural event on the great theme of urban regeneration as a process of strategies and actions to achieve sustainable urban development.
A few weeks after the days dedicated to social housing, Urbanpromo "Projects for the country" will present the newest and most interesting initiatives being developed by public administrations and private companies to improve the quality of life in our cities, but also ideas, visions and suggestions that look further forward in time and space. The programme includes a number of meetings where institutions, universities, foundations, businesses and associations can share their recent experiences and think about the future.
In particular, CDP Investimenti SGR will host the meetings of 22 and 23 November on the theme of social housing, the improvement of publicly owned properties and investments in the tourism sector. The event will conclude on 24 November with the opening of the innovative exhibition "NUB: New Urban Body", conceived as a gaming experience that will give visitors a first hand experience of how new forms of living can help us experience the city as fluid and smart, saving time, energy and space.