The words of law with Istituto Treccani

The words of law with Istituto Treccani

The partnership with the Istituto Treccani comes under the Assistance and Scientific research Sector in the area “support for emergencies and sustainability” and aims to promote scientific and cultural dissemination and the debate on topics of particular relevance for the future of the country.

The project

The series of meetings, supported by Fondazione CDP in accordance with Treccani, addresses some of the major topics of law and institutional life with a simple and accessible approach and language designed not only to involve those in the business but also a wider public, such as pupils of Italian secondary schools, who have the chance to follow the meetings online interacting with the speakers and taking an active role in the debate.

The goal of the meetings is to educate the students and raise awareness of the central issues of the current legal debate, the key aspects of institutional life and the topics regarded as strategic for the future of our country. The same educational content will also be made available via the Treccani Scuola platform so that it can be used more widely in Italian schools as an additional in-depth resource for distance learning.

The programme of 8 meetings - which began in March and will finish in December 2021 - is based around a number of prominent key topics, such as the pandemic, development, work and the digital economy, and focuses on concepts, scope and overlaps before examining some of the more complex aspects.

To view the detailed programme of meetings and follow the live streams: click here