The Municipality of Livorno and CDP ready to work together under the InvestEU Programme

The Municipality of Livorno and CDP ready to work together under the InvestEU Programme

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two institutions: CDP will offer advisory services to the Municipal Administration for measures in the area relating to social housing and the energy efficiency of state school building stock

Planning, programming and implementation of all measures that can encourage urban regeneration works for sustainable social infrastructure and energy efficiency of the state school building stock. These are the goals of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Municipality of Livorno and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

The partnership between the Municipal Administration and CDP aims to promote the economic, social and cultural development of the local community, also by encouraging collaboration between public institutions and the private sector. Its purpose is to provide assistance, advice and technical and operational support to promote the implementation of projects in the local area. All this can be achieved thanks to the funds made available by the European Union, as part of the InvestEU Programme, and by CDP itself. 

In particular, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, in the role of Advisory Partner of the European Commission, will provide the Municipality with technical and financial advisory services aimed at improving the Institution's procedures and operational tools. In order to achieve the goals set out in the Memorandum, CDP and the Municipality of Livorno are therefore committed to the following:

  • initiatives aimed at the construction of social and emergency housing, reviewing technical-economic sustainability, analyses and social impact, particularly in relation to the forecasts and changes in the new planning tools recently adopted by the Municipality (Structural Plan and Operational Plan);
  • initiatives to analyse the school building stock in order to identify sustainable forms of development and upgrading with a view to urban regeneration and social inclusion, following an investment plan in line with the Administration's strategic planning.
  • Support for the identification of possible renewable energy community configurations (CER).

The Memorandum of cooperation between the two institutions runs until 31 December 2024, with the possibility of extension for a further period.

Urban Planning Councillor Silvia Vivian said "In our programmes, projects and plans we have defined different measures for housing, schools and the environment. This confirms the central importance and priority we attach to key urban components for a fairer, greener and more inclusive city. However, plans, projects, programmes and regulations must be immediately put into practical and workable paths. This is the purpose of this important memorandum, which will see CDP supporting the City of Livorno in the implementation of measures for social housing, the creation of energy communities and the modernisation of schools".
"With the agreement announced today, we have the opportunity to support the Municipality of Livorno in launching of a broad programme of vital importance for the city, including investments dedicated to the redevelopment of the school building stock, social and sustainable housing and energy transition, all key action areas for CDP. We are therefore very pleased to be able to offer the city our skills and energy in pursuit of these goals" said Maria Elena Perretti, CDP Head of Advisory