A new organisational model in line with the National Cybersecurity Strategy for the network of IT security managers of CDP Group’s investee companies.
The CISO Community officially becomes an Information Sharing & Analysis Centre (ISAC). The new organisational model was presented during the last meeting organised by the network of IT security managers of the CDP Group, and it envisages the creation of a structure through which to share information, best practices, guidelines and security reports on cyber threats. The Community companies participating in the ISAC also elected their board, selecting the security representatives of five companies: Francesco Ceraso (Eni), Luigi Ballarano (Terna), Matteo Macina (TIM), Daniele Alì (Fincantieri) and Nicola Sotira (Poste Italiane). The Board elected Nicola Vanin (CDP) as Representative of the ISAC and Rosario Catanzaro (GPI) as General Secretary.
The last meeting of the Community, which saw the participation of Vanes Montanari, Corporate Protection Director of Poste Italiane, Agostino Scornajenchi, Chief Executive Officer of CDP Venture Capital, Bruno Frattasi, General Manager of the Agency for National Cybersecurity and Gianluca Galasso, Director of the Operations Service, was held at the headquarters of Poste Italiane, after the previous meetings at the offices of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Terna, Nexi and Fincantieri.
Since its creation in July 2022, one of the objectives of the CISO Community has been that of setting up a Group ISAC. The initiative was established in accordance with measure #35 of the National Cyber Strategy which envisages the creation of sector-based ISACs integrated with those of the Agency for National Cybersecurity, including through public-private initiatives, to encourage greater sharing of information, with a view to increasing the country’s cyber resilience.
ISAC Representative Nicola Vanin, Head of Corporate Security at CDP, said: “The formal establishment of this network, which brings together so many strategic companies, aims to contribute to the economy’s cyber security, following the strategic horizon outlined by the Agency for National Cybersecurity.”