The CDP Group participates in "M'illumino di meno"

The CDP Group participates in "M'illumino di meno"

Zero Plastic, the CDP Forest, Paperless: these are just a few examples of the successful initiatives that CDP is pursuing to focus on sustainable development issues.
This focus is confirmed by its participation in "M'Illumino di meno" (I will use less light), a day of energy saving and sustainable lifestyle initiatives promoted by Caterpillar and Radio2.

The CDP Group is ready to participate in this initiative, by symbolically turning off the external lights of its offices between 7 and 7.15 pm. Only the tricolour lighting on the façade of the headquarters in Via Gioto will remain on, these days more than ever, it's an important symbol for our community.Energ

y efficiency is a particularly important issue for the CDP Group, which has already launched several initiatives to help reduce consumption, by progressively replacing the lighting system with low-consumption LED lights and using systems for monitoring and turning off the lights.

There is also one more reason to participate in the 2020 edition of "M'Illumino di meno". This year, the initiative promotes the importance of increasing greenery, planting new trees, plants, seedlings or flowers, natural tools essential to contribute to the preservation of the environment.

For some months now, CDP has promoted reforestation through the creation of the CDP Forest, in collaboration with Freedom: 110 trees in total -  75 in Kenya and 35 in Sicily – to which a further 10 will be planted in Sicily to mark the occasion of “M’illumino di meno”.
By participating in the day, the Group confirms its focus and continued work to contribute to safeguarding the planet and reaching the UN 2030 Objectives.