Spreading financial education awareness among young people. A promising path, starting with schools, to provide early education to young people to improve their ability to make effective financial decisions later on in adulthood. This is the objective that led Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to join forces with the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings (FEduF), a choice that also saw the launch of countrywide hybrid training activities where, some students and teachers attend in-person while others are simultaneously remote through "live" streaming.
So far, more than 1,000 secondary school girls and boys in the suburban areas of Rome, Naples and Milan have been involved, and the plan of initiatives aims to reach 6,000 students and teachers in different parts of Italy by the end of the year.
Kicking off the collaboration was an event held at the Scuderie di Palazzo Altieri to which 150 people took part from Lazio high schools to raise awareness among students about the importance of saving and the behaviours of economic choices, highlighting some cognitive pitfalls into which it is easy to fall and illustrating concepts of financial education through paths of logic and behavioral psychology.