Cassa Depositi e Prestiti renews its commitment to transport sector environmental sustainability and efficiency in Europe.
CDP has signed an agreement with the European Commission as part of the Transport Blending Facility initiative, launched by the Connecting Europe Facility European funding programme.
The initiative, with a budget of € 200 million, provides for the disbursement of grants to support projects that make a contribution:
The instrument provides an innovative scheme to promote the involvement of private investors and financial institutions.
On the signing of the agreement, by CDP CEO Fabrizio Palermo and the Director of the Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport Department of the European Commission Herald Ruijters, CDP took on the role of Implementing Partner for Italy, to facilitate access to funds by project promoters.
CDP therefore becomes part of a cooperation framework which, in addition to the European Commission, involves important financial institutions, such as the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the National Promotional Institutes of France, Spain, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia