Sustainable development, pact between CDP and the National Youth Council

Sustainable development, pact between CDP and the National Youth Council

Agreement signed that will promote the contributions of younger generations to the country’s economic and social growth, including by leveraging innovative financial education initiatives

Raising younger generations’ awareness of issues concerning sustainable development at an economic, social and environmental level, involving them in a structured way through joint initiatives. These are the objectives of the agreement signed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and the National Youth Council (Consiglio Nazionale dei Giovani or CNG).

In detail, the collaboration will consist of various initiatives aimed at giving young men and women a voice and engaging them in CDP's ESG strategy and commitments, with a constant discussion and dialogue aimed at a better understanding of each other's expectations. Moreover, the parties committed to promoting financial education by devising innovative tools and organising initiatives throughout the country in order to give substance to so-called economic citizenship.

It is also planned to set up a Joint Committee composed of eight members who will meet every three months to make the synergy established even more effective, including by monitoring the actions that will be carried out.

The agreement signed by Marco Santarelli, CDP's Director of Communications, External Relations, Art and Culture, and the President of the CNG, Maria Cristina Rosaria Pisani, is part of CDP's commitment to strengthening governance through constant dialogue with its stakeholders, in keeping with its general policy of stakeholder engagement. For the CNG, an advisory body that represents young people in dealings with institutions, the agreement is an opportunity to implement new training initiatives and encourage the development of the potential of new generations.


CDP’s General Policy on Stakeholder Engagement 
Consistent with the sustainability objectives outlined in the ESG Plan, in November 2023 Cassa Depositi e Prestiti adopted a General Policy on Stakeholder Engagement that identifies ways of listening to and engaging in dialogue with key stakeholders on an ongoing basis. The General Policy on Stakeholder Engagement is the result of a participatory process. In fact it was the subject of consultations with various stakeholders, such as the entities and companies that are part of the ESG Community network, sustainability experts and representatives of civil society.

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
CDP is the National Promotional Institution and the Financial Institution for International Cooperation & Development Finance entrusted by the Italian State to promote the sustainable development of Italy, developing countries and emerging markets. CDP supports economic growth, social inclusion and the ecological transition by investing in innovation, business competitiveness, infrastructure and local development. It is also a shareholder of leading Italian companies operating in strategic sectors. In 2022 it mobilised total resources of Euro 30.6 billion (1.7% of Italy's GDP) by attracting capital from third-party investors and co-funders. According to its 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, CDP will mobilise a total of Euro 128 billion in investments by 2024.

National Youth Council
The National Youth Council (CNG) represents 95 Italian youth organisations and is the advisory body entrusted with the representation of young people vis-à-vis Institutions for any discussions on policies affecting young people, established by Italian Law no. 145/2018. Its tasks include offering opinions and making proposals on government legislative acts and on matters of interest to young people. Furthermore, the CNG collaborates with general government, agencies and other institutions by drawing up studies and preparing reports on the conditions of young people, together with projects and initiatives to promote active participation. A member of the European Youth Forum (YFJ), the National Youth Council also represents the demands and interests of young people in international institutions.