Scaling up cooperation among DFIs in response to COVID-19

Scaling up cooperation among DFIs in response to COVID-19

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and a group of more than 25 Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are scaling up cooperation in response to COVID-19.

They have committed to provide and mobilize billions of dollars of funding to help the private sector deliver critical healthcare supplies, ensure micro, small, and medium businesses have access to capital, and strengthen global supply chains which sustain millions of workers in developing countries.

Institutions participating are AfDB, ADB, AIIB, BIO, BSTDB, CDC Group, CDP, COFIDES, OeEB, EBRD, EDFI, EIB, DEG, FinDev Canada, Finnfund, FMO, ICD, IDB Invest, IFU, IFC, MIGA, NDB, Norfund, OFID, Proparco, SIFEM, SOFID, SBI-BMI, SIMEST, Swedfund.

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