Rome, 3 April 2023 – Eni S.p.A. and CDP Equity S.p.A., in view of Saipem S.p.A. Shareholders’ Meeting convened for 3 May, 2023, on single call, to resolve, inter alia, on the appointment of the Statutory Auditors, as required by the current Shareholders’ agreement between the companies, will present a joint slate including the following candidates:
The filing of the slate will be carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions provided by law, Saipem’s By-laws, the notice of Shareholders’ Meeting and the Shareholders’ agreement.
At Saipem’s Shareholders’ Meeting, Eni and CDP Equity will also submit a proposal to confirm the current remuneration for Statutory Auditors and, therefore, to fix the gross annual remuneration due to the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors in 70,000 euros and the one due to each of the other Standing Statutory Auditors in 50,000 euros, plus reimbursement of expenses incurred for the office matters.
Eni holds 622,476,192 ordinary shares of Saipem representing 31.19% of the total amount of ordinary shares.
CDP Equity holds 255,841,728 ordinary shares of Saipem S.p.A. representing 12.82% of the total amount of ordinary shares.
Eni and CDP Equity have entered into a Shareholders’ agreement related to the ordinary shares of Saipem whose essential information is available on the websites of Saipem and Consob.