Cassa depositi e prestiti SpA (CDP) – which holds 599,999,999 ordinary Terna shares, equal to 29.
Cassa depositi e prestiti SpA (CDP) – which holds 599,999,999 ordinary Terna shares, equal to 29.86% of share capital - announces that today, in view of the Terna ordinary shareholders’ meeting called for 12 and 13 May 2011 (at first and second call) to vote, among other things, on the appointment of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors, it is going to file the following slates of candidates for the new Board of Directors and Board of Auditors of Terna SpA at that company’s registered office:
Board of Directors
(*) The candidate meets the independence requirements set out in the applicable regulations, the articles of association of Terna and the Corporate Governance Code.
Board of Auditors Standing auditors
Alternate auditors
Rome, 15 April 2011