Rome, 31 March 2016 Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa (CDP) announces that, in view of Snam Spa’s shareholders’ meeting, called for 27 April 2016, the following lists of candidates will be ...
Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa (CDP) announces that, in view of Snam Spa’s shareholders’ meeting, called for 27 April 2016, the following lists of candidates will be presented by CDP RETI Spa (company controlled by CDP and direct shareholder of Snam):
Board of Directors
(*) The candidate meets the independence requirements set out in the Consolidated law on financial intermediation and in the Corporate governance code of listed companies.
Board of Statutory Auditors
Standing auditors
Alternate auditors
CDP owns a stake in the share capital of Snam equal to 30.1%, of which 28.9% through CDP RETI and 1.1% through CDP GAS Srl.