Eighteen events across Italy to promote CDP's new products and services for local authorities. The “Spazio PA” meetings, organised with regions, provinces, ANCI (national association of Italian municipalities) and the UPI (Italian Provincial Union), were held from 5 to 20 April and were attended by more than 1,000 mayors, councillors and technical and financial directors.
During the events, the new impact financing model, defined in line with the Sector Strategic Guidelines, the new procedure for granting finance to public administration bodies, the Green Loan - a financial instrument with favourable terms to support ESG investments - and the 2023 Loan renegotiation were presented.
There was a special focus on how to take part in the new loan renegotiation window for municipalities, provinces and metropolitan cities, which will free up funds to invest in the local area. Thanks to this measure, up to 28 April 2023, 6,600 local authorities applied for the renegotiation of 130,000 loans, for a total outstanding debt of around €24 billion.
The meetings mainly took place in our regional offices and in our CDP Spaces in the offices of the shareholder banking foundations and local Chambers of Commerce. The opening of the CDP offices and Spaces is part of our strategy launched in 2019, to be more accessible throughout the country, thanks to which we have set up an increasingly wide network of branches. Our 27 operational points, designed to best meet the needs of businesses and public administrations, offer stakeholders the opportunity to meet Group representatives and learn more about CDP's products and services.
The initiative is another service available to PAs to help them grow their areas and was attended by more than 30 CDP professionals