This year CDP is once again taking part in the “M’illumino di meno” (I illuminate less) initiative, Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles Day, scheduled for Thursday 16 February, and now in its 19th year. Launched by the Rai Radio2 programme Caterpillar, the initiative was officially recognised by the Italian Parliament, which converted Decree Law No. 17/2022 and established 16 February as National Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles Day.
There are two themes at the centre of “M’illumino di meno” 2023: reducing consumption to limit its environmental and economic impact and sharing clean, renewable energy between energy communities.
Switching lights off, leaving the PC off or on standby during breaks, going by bike instead of by car or taking the stairs instead of the lift, reducing energy consumption more generally in everyday activities: there are many schools, universities, administrations, companies, associations, apartment blocks and members of the public who take part in the initiative in various ways.
Among them is CDP, which has long been committed to reducing consumption in its offices, including through an internal awareness-raising campaign that aims precisely to stimulate conscious use of resources.
From 7 p.m. on 16 February, for the “M’illumino di meno” initiative, the CDP Group will switch off the outside lights of its offices in Rome (Via Goito and Via Alessandria) and in Milan the internal ones for the reception areas and terraces to save more energy. SIMEST too is taking part in the initiative in the same way. Saving energy means having respect for the environment and helping to fight climate change: with little everyday actions, each one of us can make a difference.