The CDP Group made a presentation in Milan of a study by its export hub: positive prospects for Italian exports, which will continue to grow over the next four years
Italian exports have a bright future after the excellent performance of 2017. This was the key fact that emerged during the presentation Keep Calm & Made in Italy, the latest Export Report from SACE and SIMEST, the Export and Internationalisation hub of CDP Group.
The Study, presented in Milan at the headquarters of the Italian Stock Exchange, Borsa Italiana, offers Italian exporting companies a basis for guarded optimism, a prospect that is confirmed by developments over the last ten years. It contains an in-depth analysis of the infrastructure sector (which is key to reinforcing Italy’s penetration of international markets).
The report also includes forecasts of the trends for 2018-2021 of Italian exports by country and sector: despite some unknown factors, mainly related to exchange rate pressures, after the brilliant performance in 2017 (+ 7.4%) Italian exports will continue to grow in 2018 (+ 5.8%) also and in the following three years 2019-2021 (+ 4.5% annual average), reaching almost 500 billion euros in 2019 and exceeding 540 billion euros in 2021. Exports of services will also grow, and should reach 116 billion euros over the forecast period. Also present at the event was the Chairman of CDP, Claudio Costamagna, who highlighted the uniqueness of Italian companies and the need to continue to exploit it, thanks to the work of SACE and SIMEST.