Italian IT security firm explores new horizons

Italian IT security firm explores new horizons

OmnitechIT group launches on international market with support of SIMEST

Rome, 19 July 2016

SIMEST has renewed its commitment to supporting the international expansion of quality Italian businesses by signing a contract Omnitech Holding, a firm operating in the IT security industry. Under the agreement, Simest will acquire 20% (€490 thousand) of the group holding company, Omnitech Finanziaria Internazionale.

The deal comes as part of Simest’s programme to support the IT security industry, as per its 2016-2020 Business Plan. Simest’s support involves strengthening managerial, technical and commercial structures, with the aim of introducing the OmnitechIT Group to the Turkish, Spanish, Arab and Scandinavian markets. The aim is to support the company with its international expansion, which together with R&D will help to increase the Italian company’s turnover.

CDP Group helps companies to expand internationally through the support of Simest, which as financing partner supports business owners looking to explore the opportunities available on foreign markets.

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