Protocol signed by the two institutions: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will offer consultancy services to the provincial administration for measures to upgrade local schools and mobility
Promote projects for the redevelopment and energy efficiency of schools and the strengthening of local transport and road services in order to have a positive impact on the education, mobility and safety needs of the local community. This is the objective of the Agreement signed by the Province of Pistoia and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.
The cooperation between the Provincial Administration and CDP is aimed at supporting the social and cultural growth of the Pistoia area, stimulating collaboration between public institutions and the private sector, and will focus on assistance, consulting and technical-operational support to facilitate the launching of projects dedicated primarily to the education of the younger generations. All this can be achieved thanks to the resources made available by the European Union as part of the InvestEU Programme and by CDP itself.
In fact, within the framework of the Single Programming Document (DUP) the Province of Pistoia intends to pursue the objective of upgrading its schools with respect to seismic safety and energy efficiency.
In its role as Advisory Partner of the European Commission, CDP will provide the Province of Pistoia with technical advisory services regarding the strategic planning of school building investments, the possible solutions, the procedures to be followed, the tender criteria for the awarding of projects and their implementation within the broader strategy elaborated by the local administration where appropriate.