InvestEU: agreement signed by the Metropolitan City of Catania and CDP

InvestEU: agreement signed by the Metropolitan City of Catania and CDP

Agreement signed by the two institutions: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will offer advisory services to the local government for sustainable investments and the development of the school building stock

Supporting investment and development programmes to improve the energy class of local schools through efficiency upgrades. This is the objective of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Metropolitan City of Catania and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

The collaboration established between the local government and CDP and in place until 31 December 2025 has the goal of defining an investment and management strategy for all its properties, focusing on ESG-related projects that will have a positive impact on the region and the local community. A goal that can be achieved thanks to the advisory service provided by CDP and financed by the European Union under the InvestEU Programme and by CDP itself. 

In fact, the Metropolitan City of Catania intends to acquire the elements necessary to start planning renovations of the school buildings it owns and to complete the technical-economic analyses needed to embark on a series of projects aimed at improving the energy efficiency of those buildings.

In this regard, Ivan Albo, advisor to Mayor Enrico Trantino of the Metropolitan City of Catania, expressed a strong commitment to school management and energy efficiency. "The agreement with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti is one of the goals achieved to implement the school building upgrade programme sought by Metropolitan Mayor Trantino in accordance with environment and climate change requirements, but above all to improve the structural efficiency of buildings that for too many decades have been abandoned to disheartening partial maintenance. The primary objective is to make the school easily accessible and safe for our children, containing operating costs and significantly improving the heating and cooling of the school buildings”.

In its role as Advisory Partner of the European Commission, CDP will offer its consultancy services to the local authority, mainly for: (i) analysis of the social and urban context, with a focus on regeneration processes for the areas where the schools are located; (ii) creation of a database of the real estate owned by the government; (iii) examination of tools, strategies and sources of funding for the development, upgrading and reinforcement of the building stock.

Maria Elena Perretti, Advisory Manager at CDP, remarked: "The MoU signed with the support of the InvestEU Programme allows Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to work side-by-side with the Metropolitan City of Catania to outline the important process of modernising its school building stock, especially with respect to improving energy efficiency. This is a major project that falls within a broader strategy of investments designed to positively impact not only the quality of life of students, but the local area and community in general".