Agreement signed between the two Institutions: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will provide advisory services to local administration for the construction of schools and development of mobility projects with high impact in terms of sustainability
Promoting programmes for renovation of the school building stock and supporting pathways for the enhancement of local sustainable mobility infrastructure. These are the objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Metropolitan City of Milan and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.
The cooperation launched between the local administration and CDP aims not only to ensure the safety of the buildings involved, but also to carry out sustainable modernisation works by enhancing the role of schools as the core of urban regeneration processes. This integrated vision of the territory also emerges in the second pillar of the agreement, which envisages that CDP support the Metropolitan City of Milan in developing projects and infrastructure to enhance “soft” mobility, particularly cycling.
These are interventions which will have an overall positive impact on the quality of life in the area and on the health and safety of citizens. A path that can be achieved thanks to the advisory service provided by CDP and financed by the European Union, under the InvestEU Programme, and by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti itself.
The Metropolitan City of Milan intends to carry out renovation work on its building stock, with a view to reducing lease expenses, including through public-private partnership procedures. In particular, the feasibility and the most appropriate methods to construct a new school suitable to accommodate Liceo Caravaggio, currently located in a rented structure, are under assessment.
CDP, in its role as Advisory Partner of the European Commission, will offer the local authority its technical consulting services to define: (i) the procedures for carrying out and financing the works, (ii) the cost-benefit analyses envisaged by the Procurement Code, and (iii) evaluation of the technical and economic aspects of the entire project and assessment of the sustainability profiles and financial equilibrium of the project, in the event of recourse to public-private partnership.
To promote soft mobility, on the other hand, the Metropolitan City of Milan, as part of its “Biciplan Cambio” plan, is building light infrastructure dedicated to bicycle mobility (including assisted-pedalling mobility), capable of connecting the key areas of the city and for which it has also obtained PNRR resources.