InvestEU: agreement signed between the Autonomous Province of Trento and CDP

InvestEU: agreement signed between the Autonomous Province of Trento and CDP

An agreement signed between the Institutions: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will provide advisory services to the Trento Province administration, alongside Cassa del Trentino, for the development of the Ri-Val project concerning infrastructures for sustainable living and services for the area

Promoting the regeneration and repopulation of less central and disadvantaged areas throughout Trentino, thanks to a programme of measures providing both new living solutions and services for local communities. This is the objective of the Memorandum of Understanding, for the Ri-Val project, signed by the Autonomous Province of Trento, supported by Cassa del Trentino1 and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

The aim of the activity started between the Trento Province administration and CDP is to decide how to proceed and the type of instruments that can be deployed, also analysing international best practices, to address the issue of citizens abandoning peripheral and disadvantaged areas in the Trento Province. This planning will be possible thanks to the advisory service provided by CDP and funded by the European Union under the InvestEU Programme, and by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

In particular, the Autonomous Province of Trento is intent on launching a programme of infrastructural measures dedicated to sustainable living, flanked by management models and services that can consolidate the presence and role of local communities and the socio-economic vitality of Trentino’s valleys, actively involving Cassa del Trentino, that will promote and implement the financial strategies planned by the Trento Province Administration.

CDP, in its role as Advisory Partner of the European Commission will provide advisory services to the Trento Province Administration, mainly to: (i) assess pilot cases in terms of demand for residential solutions and services, like similar projects in Italy and other countries; (ii) identify the functional mix of measures in terms of social housing; (iii) define the most suitable management models for project development; (iv) analyse the economic/financial sustainability of the Initiative, evaluating whether to fit into the system and integrate existing measures, also through public-private partnerships.

For the Chairman of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti, “signing the memorandum of understanding will make it possible to study and develop innovative, experimental solutions for regeneration in valley areas that are at risk of becoming depopulated. Thanks to this agreement, in addition to the understandings already reached with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, we are striving to become pioneers in this field, in line with the objectives of the Provincial Strategy of the XVII Legislature that include, as priorities, an attractive territory offering services in all its areas, in synergy with the twin initiative Ri-Urb for urban centres”.
“With this instrument - pointed out Simone Marchiori, Councillor for policies on housing, assets, state property and the promotion of knowledge of the Autonomous Province, - we want to provide answers for housing and services, including in more peripheral, marginal areas of Trentino. We must find innovative tools, also financial, to avoid the risk of depopulation. Both Ri-Val and the Ri-Urb project for urban centres are part of a single action that covers the entire Trentino area, in keeping with the priorities of the mandate on housing policies and territorial cohesion”.
Maria Elena Perretti, Head of Advisory, CDP,  said: “The Memorandum signed with the Autonomous Province of Trento has a strong social and economic value. Working to create new spaces and new services for citizens, that can respond to the demand for housing and can help repopulate an area that boasts a unique history and culture, is a particularly interesting opportunity for us. Offering our expertise to protect this local heritage is an important step which, as CDP, we are taking, because we can rely on the support of the InvestEU programme, to assist the Trento Province administration to guarantee sustainable development and meet the needs of the community”.