InvestEU: agreement between Port Authority of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and CDP

InvestEU: agreement between Port Authority of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and CDP

Agreement signed between the institutions: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will provide consultancy services to the Port Authority (Autorità di Sistema Portuale - AdSP) for the infrastructural development of the ports of Civitavecchia and Fiumicino, the production of renewable energy and decarbonisation processes

Promote the development of works of strategic relevance for the main port infrastructure of Lazio, facilitating the transportation of goods and passengers, logistics interconnections and the growth of the local industrial fabric. These are the goals of the memorandum of understanding signed between the Port Authority of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

The partnership between the Authority and CDP, which runs until December 2027, will focus on designing and planning measures to modernise and develop the ports of Civitavecchia and Fiumicino. The agreement also involves the construction and installation of renewable energy production plants as well as the identification of projects that can accelerate the decarbonisation of the port electric system. A plan made possible thanks to the consultancy service provided by CDP and funded by the European Union, as part of the InvestEU Programme, and by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti itself.

In accordance with the Port Regulatory Plans (Piani Regolatori Portuali - PRP) of the individual ports under its responsibility and on the basis of the strategies established by the Management Committee as part of the Three-Year Operating Plan (Piano Operativo Triennale - POT), the Port Authority intends to define the plans for the new Darsena Energetica Grandi Masse dock at the port of Civitavecchia, an infrastructure which will be able to host sites for various industrial and commercial sectors (energy, naval shipbuilding and cargo handling) and the first lot of the Commercial Port of Fiumicino. The latter, in particular, represents the final piece of a strategic logistics system for Italy and existing infrastructure (Leonardo da Vinci airport, Cargo City, Commercity, Interport, new Fiera di Roma) which will promote commercial traffic and passenger transport, also in the tourism sector, via the River Tiber.

The development programme also involves the construction of an 11 MWp photovoltaic plant and the design of a second 12 MWp plant, as well as the installation of EV charging points, the improved energy efficiency of buildings and the production of green hydrogen to contribute to the decarbonisation of the port electric system.

In its role as Advisory Partner of the European Commission, CDP will provide the Authority with consultancy for both the Darsena Energetica project at the port of Civitavecchia and for the project connected with the Commercial Port of Fiumicino. More specifically, it will provide assistance in the planning of the work (analysis of scenarios and the main trade routes, layout solutions, identification of functional lots) and the scheduling of activities (prioritisation of actions, risk analysis, definition of targets and milestones in the monitoring of the progress of activities).

Additionally, as regards the decarbonisation process, CDP will support the Authority in the coordination of activities and the technical and economic aspects of the project to develop the aforementioned photovoltaic plants and relative accumulation systems, in the analysis of development scenarios and the main future energy requirements, and in identifying design solutions that can facilitate decarbonisation processes.

“This is a very important agreement for the Network of the Ports of Rome and Lazio,” explained Chairman of the Port Authority of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, Pino Musolino, “because having a financial institution like CDP as partner will undoubtedly be a major benefit in the design and development of strategic infrastructure like the “Mare Nostrum” Darsena Energetica dock in the port of Civitavecchia, which will be used for lots of activities including naval shipbuilding, and the commercial port of Fiumicino.”
Maria Elena Perretti, Head of Advisory at CDP, commented: “This new agreement with the Port Authority of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea underlines Cassa Depositi e Prestiti’s commitment to providing authorities with technical expertise to support the development and modernisation of port infrastructure, strategic assets for the logistics and the competitiveness of the country in regards to the energy transition and decarbonisation."