General Assembly for Energy Transition: the commitment by the CDP Group

General Assembly for Energy Transition: the commitment by the CDP Group

A moment for comparison of the themes relating to energy and networks: this was the Italian Energy Transition Forum, organised by CDP, Snam and Terna as a meeting between institutions, businesses and stakeholders in a two-day dialogue on the future of the Italian energy system.

The event was an opportunity to strengthen the synergistic work of CDP, Snam and Terna, which, in line with national and European strategic guidelines, intend to accelerate the country’s energy transition towards full decarbonisation, including through the use of new technologies, and to stimulate growth and employment through the development of new sustainable supply chains.

Italy is at the forefront of a balanced transition to a more sustainable growth model, in which the energy sector will play a key role. The important results achieved so far are also the result of the commitment of CDP and its subsidiaries such as Snam and Terna” said the CEO of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Fabrizio Palermo.

The General Assembly for Energy Transition has therefore represented an opportunity to compare experiences and best practices, with the aim of responding to the challenges of the future focused on innovation, technological research and the development of solutions increasingly oriented to sustainability and energy efficiency.


Learn more about the event

Watch the Terna video: