Financial education: the CDP project for women in difficulty

Financial education: the CDP project for women in difficulty

A training programme targeting women in difficulty to talk about economic independence, learn how to manage their own finances and become acquainted with the tools that enable them to save, spend and invest in an informed manner. This was the initiative launched by CDP during "Il Tempo delle Donne 2024” - of which it is institutional partner - which dedicated an event to the topic of the relationship between the world of women and wealth.  

“Starting from next November, Financial Education month, we will be launching a series of dates that will also be held at our territorial offices,” announced Francesca Scaglia, Head of Risks at CDP, while taking part in the meeting. The aim is to widen the level of competence on fundamental financial elements - such as current accounts, payment cards, personal budgets - and thus promote the inclusion of women in all matters concerning money. 

An initiative developed together with Third Sector partners - such as Save the Children and ActionAid - and also with FEduF (Foundation for Financial Education and Savings) which CDP already works with as part of theReady, finance, go! (Pronti, Finanza, Via!) programme to bring financial education to 6,000 girls and boys in schools all over Italy.

“Girls shouldn’t be ashamed to talk about money,” said Maria Luisa Agnese, moderator of the event at the Teatro dell’Arte della Triennale in Milan, stating that “according to statistics, women don’t ask for pay rises or career promotions.” Even the Director General of Feduf, Giovanna Boggio Robutti, interviewed together with Scaglia, confirmed that “the relationship between women and money has not yet reached maturity, whereas a woman’s economic independence depends on her financial education and without it she is at a disadvantage. This is a question of democracy and women who are not included in the management of money are a loss to themselves, to their families and to the country.”

To find out more, watch the interview.