A series of meetings organised by CDP in partnership with FEduF and Save the Children begins in Turin
The central role of economic and financial knowledge in everybody’s daily lives and in managing the family budget. This is the focus of training programme for vulnerable women organised by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in collaboration with FEduF and Save the Children. A cycle of meetings that aims to teach participants how to save, spend and invest in an informed and virtuous way.
The initiative was developed to promote female economic independence and was launched in Turin on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November as part of the programmes created as part of financial education month.
The meetings are designed to provide mothers and women of all ages who are struggling to get by with useful advice that can help improve their quality of life, such as how to open a current account, take out a mortgage or understand the benefits of having a passbook.
Often, the lack of a basic understanding of how to manage money can lead to situations of vulnerability that expose the more fragile sections of society to forms of economic violence. A phenomenon that occurs when people’s inability to manage their finances leaves them open to forms of abuse and conditioning that impact heavily on their independence and freedom.
The programme involves a series of meetings all over Italy, from north to south, organised together with the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings (FEduF, with whom CDP already collaborates on educational activities in schools) and Save The Children, which has been working to protect vulnerable children for over 100 years. In fact, the new initiative is part of the “Mother and Child Spaces” project in which Save the Children is playing a frontline role at regional level.
As well as promoting inclusion, the project aims to raise the awareness of the general public around issues that are still not part of our shared culture. Knowing how to maximise your earnings, monitor your personal finances and diversify your investments are increasingly crucial skills for overcoming disadvantages - including social distress - and constructing solid foundations for the future of the next generations.