Export and internationalization: Join us at the Hub

Export and internationalization: Join us at the Hub

New communication campaign and single Sace and Simest portal invite SMEs to brave challenges

Rome November 8, 2017

Internationalization and exporting can be made easier with a secure and reliable partner, achieving great results even when the challenge seems insurmountable.  Such is the message CDP Group is launching to Italian companies with a single Export and Internationalization hub formed by SACE and SIMEST.

After allowing more than 20,000 Italian companies to grow due to the tools and resources made available to the Hub, a new information campaign arrives with ironic an original and creative message to thousands of SMEs which, even though they have yet to confront foreign expansion.

The CDP Group’s Hub is a safe guide even in the most challenging situations, putting in place a new portal to help facilitate access to insurance and financial services thanks to digital: www.sacesimest .it.

The portal is another contribution from the CDP Group to help the growth process of Italian SMEs by guaranteeing new economic development strategies and competitiveness.