In Milan, at the Aspi headquarters, discussions are taking place on sustainability issues involving key economic players in the country
To foster synergies between the nation's industrial and financial leaders through a structured and ongoing discussions on environmental, social and governance matters, is the goal with which the ESG Community - a sustainability driven network which met at the headquarters of Autostrade per l'Italia in Milan and promoted by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in July 2023 - was founded and continues to expand. This event is the first in a series of meetings that will be hosted by companies within the ESG Community, designed to offer firsthand experiences of sustainability projects.
The meeting was attended, among others, by Elisabetta Oliveri, Chairman of Autostrade per l'Italia; Fabio Massoli, CFO of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti; Matteo Mura, Director of the Centre for Sustainability and Climate Change at the Bologna Business School and Mark Esposito, Lecturer at the Division of Continuing Education at Harvard University.
In addition to the CDP Group1, some of Italy's leading economic entities are members of the ESG Community, including: Ansaldo Energia, Autostrade per l'Italia, CDP Venture Capital, ENI, Euronext, Fincantieri, Fondo Italiano di Investimento SGR, Greenit, Italgas, NEXI, Open Fiber, Polo Strategico Nazionale, Poste Italiane, Renovit, Saipem, Snam, Terna, Hotelturist (TH Resorts), Gruppo Trevi, Valvitalia and Webuild.
The network, which meets quarterly, strives to promote the integration of a comprehensive approach across all sustainability dimensions. This acknowledgment reflects the growing recognition of the strategic significance of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors for the collective overall well-being and progress.
Less than a year after its launch, the ESG Community has already made substantial progress in sharing tools and projects aimed at stakeholder engagement across multiple fronts, with a specific emphasis on fostering cooperation between industrial and financial sectors to accelerate the ecological transition. Non-financial reporting challenges take centre stage, particularly in light of the European Sustainability Reporting Directive (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - CSRD) which imposes increasingly rigorous obligations on companies.
1CDP S.p.A, CDP Equity, CDP Real Asset SGR, CDP Reti, Simest e Fintecna