CDP Urban Renewal: Student Hotel Rome

CDP Urban Renewal: Student Hotel Rome

The new structure of co-working and co-living created by CDP and a Dutch leader in new living ideas

Rome March 6, 2017

CDP marks a new objective in its urban transformation path: a modern co-living and co-working space of dedicated to university students to be built in Rome’s San Lorenzo neighborhood. The project marks the third Italian structure designed by The Student Hotel, the Dutch company that will develop initiative and revalue an important urban cultural and artistic area, due to the collaboration with CDP.

According to the project, one building will be refurbished and another demolished and reconstructed.  The new complex with housing, meeting and study rooms  - in accordance with the principle of shared space – is slated for completion in 2019. The Rome space will be The Student Hotel Group third Italian project following similar ones in Florence and Bologna. Student Hotel Rome’s model of hospitality is in line with the principles of CDP social housing.

The project’s value includes the renewal of a vital area in the Italian capital near Rome University “La Sapienza.” The typical targeted end user is composed of students in need of study and living space.

CDP promotes the future, supporting new projects of urban transformation and promoting of innovative forms of living and working.

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