Rome, 25 June 2014 – Cassa depositi e prestiti S.p.A. announces that the Shareholders' Meeting today authorised the Board of Directors to sell, in one or more instalments, the treasury shares held by the Company (4,451,160 ordinary shares, equal to 1.
Rome, 25 June 2014 – Cassa depositi e prestiti S.p.A. announces that the Shareholders' Meeting today authorised the Board of Directors to sell, in one or more instalments, the treasury shares held by the Company (4,451,160 ordinary shares, equal to 1.501% of share capital).
The shares may be sold to existing shareholders at a price to be determined by an appraiser. Any remaining shares may also be sold to non-shareholder bank foundations at a price equal to at least their appraised value. The authorisation to sell was granted for a period of eighteen months as from the date of the shareholders' resolution.
The treasury shares were acquired by CDP in March 2013 for the purposes of redeeming the preference shares held by the foundations that, at the time of the conversion of preference shares into ordinary shares, had exercised the right of withdrawal.
CDP also announces that, following the his appointment to new positions, Antonio Saitta has resigned as a director of CDP for the separate account representing the Union of Italian Provinces (UPI).