CDP: the shareholders’ meeting approves amendments to the Articles of Association
Press release

CDP: the shareholders’ meeting approves amendments to the Articles of Association

Roma, 29 gennaio 2015 L’Assemblea degli azionisti di Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa (CDP), riunitasi oggi sotto la presidenza di Franco Bassanini, ha approvato alcune modifiche dello Statuto (artt.

Rome, 29 January 2015

The shareholders’ meeting of Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa, chaired by Franco Bassanini, today approved amendments to the Articles of Association (Arts. 3, 6 and 15) that aim to introduce international cooperation to CDP’s activities and enlarge the range of financing that Cassa can offer, both state-backed funding and funding not guaranteed by the state, as allowed by the “Unblock Italy” decree (decree law 133/2014) and Law 125/2014.

As a result of the amendments, in particular CDP will be able to:

  • finance international cooperation initiatives  aimed at direct development  for public and private subjects;
  • use state-backed funding (postal savings) to finance transactions of “general interest” in the private sector that will be identified by decree of the Minister of economy and finance;
  • finance, with funding not guaranteed by the state works, plants, and networks and assets , not only for delivering public services or in reclamation projects, but more broadly for initiatives in the public interest;
  • finance, with funding not guaranteed by the state investments in research, development, innovation, protection and leveraging of cultural assets, promotion of tourism, the environment and energy efficiency, the green economy.
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