Members of Board Committees appointed
Rome, 1 June 2021 – The new Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Spa (CDP) – appointed by the Shareholders’ meeting held on 27 May 2021 – met today for the first time, chaired by Giovanni Gorno Tempini.
The Board of Directors appointed Dario Scannapieco as Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of the company.
In addition, the members of the Board committees were appointed: Risk Committee, Compensation Committee, Nomination Committee and Related Parties Committee.
The Risk Committee, with supervision and proposing functions in the field of risk management and evaluation of new investment products, is composed of Matteo Melley (Chairman), Fabrizia Lapecorella, Fabiana Massa and Anna Girello Garbi.
The Compensation Committee, in charge of making proposals to the Board of Directors on the compensation, among others, of the Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer and the General Manager, is composed of Fabrizia Lapecorella (Chairman), Alessandra Ruzzu and Giorgio Toschi.
The Nomination Committee, which supports the nomination process, among others, of the members of the corporate bodies of the companies in which CDP has a direct or indirect interest, is composed of Giovanni Gorno Tempini (Chairman), Dario Scannapieco and Alessandro Rivera, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Internal Rules.
The Related Parties Committee, responsible for issuing specific opinions on transactions with related parties carried out by CDP, is composed of Fabiana Massa (Chairman), Livia Amidani Aliberti and Alessandra Ruzzu.