Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa (CDP) announces that the Board of Directors today ended its mandate in advance, considering the shareholders’ will to appoint a new Board in order to formulate the 2016-2018 business plan immediately.
The Shareholders’ Meeting, held today in ordinary and extraordinary session, after approving modifications of the article of association agreed on by shareholders, elected a new Board of Directors for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 financial years, appointing as directors Claudio Costamagna (Chairman), Mario Nuzzo (designated as Vice Chairman), Fabio Gallia (designated as Chief Executive Officer), Maria Cannata, Carla Patrizia Ferrari, Stefano Micossi, Alessandro Rivera, Alessandra Ruzzu, Isabella Seràgnoli.
The modifications to the Articles of Association approved by the shareholders regard, among others: the strengthening of the quorum for the constitution and the decisions of the Board of Directors on risk management policies and distribution of profits; the establishment within the Board of a Risk Committee and a Strategic Committee; the requirements for the directors.
In wishing the new directors all the best in their endeavours, the Shareholders’ Meeting thanked the outgoing board – and in particular the Chairman, Franco Bassanini, and the Chief Executive Officer, Giovanni Gorno Tempini – for their efforts in their years in office.
On 13 July 2015 the CDP Board of Directors will meet to appoint the Chief Executive Officer.