CDP Real Asset's “FOF Infrastrutture” fund presented to Italian pension funds

CDP Real Asset's “FOF Infrastrutture” fund presented to Italian pension funds

The aim is to channel private institutional resources to support a strategic sector for the economy and employment

“FOF Infrastructure”, a new fund of funds managed by CDP Real Asset SGR, was presented to a large audience of pension funds on 28th June with the aim of attracting private sector funding to support the Italian infrastructure market, a strategic sector for economic and employment growth in our country.

The fund - which has a target funding of €500 million, of which €300 million has already been subscribed by CDP Equity - aims to support infrastructure projects with environmental and social objectives, investing in areas such as energy and the digital transition, the circular economy and renewable energy. It therefore falls under Article 8 of the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation), the EU Regulation 2019/2088 governing sustainability disclosure in the financial services sector.

The meeting, organised in collaboration with Assofondipensione, is part of the Real Economy Project, a system-wide initiative through which the CDP Group aims to broaden the impact of its activities in support of national growth by involving institutional investors in its instruments.

"Our aim is to catalyse the resources of Italian pension funds, in particular, in favour of infrastructure projects that have a direct impact on the real economy and the country, while at the same time allowing the funds to invest their capital in diversified instruments with returns commensurate with their risk profile," said Giancarlo Scotti, CEO of CDP Real Asset and CDP Real Estate Director . "This will strengthen the pursuit of the strategic objectives of FOF Infrastrutture, which include reducing the gap with other major economies by directing investment towards the development of sustainable infrastructure and encouraging the growth of the domestic market for funds active in this sector, including by supporting asset managers and newly established vehicles”.