CDP Real Asset SGR was among the participants of the meeting with the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces held at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, aiming to strengthen dialogue on the range of instruments and products that CDP dedicates to sustainable territorial development. As part of the event - opened by CDP Chairman Giovanni Gorno Tempini and closed by CEO Dario Scannapieco - four separate working groups were organised, dedicated to initiatives that can be implemented for the development of the territory, business fabric, real estate portfolio and national health system.
The following business managers of CDP Real Asset participated in the real estate group: Emiliano Ranati (CFO and Head of Business Development), Chiara Caruso (Fondo Nazionale Turismo), Filippo Catena (Abitare Sociale) and Guglielmo Calabresi (Valorizzazione immobiliare).